Source: lib/init.js

* <h3>Authenticates the user by prompting for Username and password </h3>
* @module lib/init
var chalk = require('chalk');
var clear = require('clear');
var figlet = require('figlet');
var inquirer = require('inquirer');
var Preferences = require('preferences');
var Spinner = require('cli-spinner').Spinner;
var _ = require('lodash');
var git = require('simple-git')();
var fs = require('fs');
var request = require('request');
var rev = require('./rev');
* @exports function as a object
* The function does the following : <br>
* 1. Checks if the user is already authenticated. <br>
* 2. If the user is already authenticated it displays the time left in the session. <br>
* 3. Prompts the user to enter credentials and checks if they are valid. <br>
* 4. If the credentials are valid it displays the time left in the session and if not it displays error message.
* @function init
* @return {null}
module.exports = function(callback) {
	prefs = new Preferences('');
	console.log('Working on host ' + + '. Language: ' +;
			figlet.textSync('Autolab', { horizontalLayout: 'full' })

	var questions = [
		name: 'username',
		type: 'input',
		message: 'Enter your GitLab username',
		* Checks if the length of the entered string is greater than zero
		* @function validate
		* @param {value} string string entered by user on prompt
		* @return {bool} True if the length of string entered is greater than zero
		* @return {string} string prompting user to input username/password if length of username entered was null
		validate: function(value) {
			if (value.length) {
				return true;
			else {
				return 'Please enter your username';
		name: 'password',
		type: 'password',
		message: 'Enter your password:',
		validate: function(value) {
			if (value.length) {
				return true;
			else {
				return 'Please enter your password';

	if (prefs.gitlab && Math.floor( / 1000) - prefs.gitlab.time < 7200 && Math.floor( / 1000) - prefs.gitlab.time > 0) {
		timeLeft = 120 - ((Math.floor(prefs.gitlab.time < 7200 && Math.floor( / 1000) - prefs.gitlab.time)/60));
		console.log("You are already authenticated. If this is not you, or you want to exit the session, use 'autolab exit'. Session will expire in " + timeLeft + ' minutes'));
	else {
		inquirer.prompt(questions).then(function(answers) {
			var status = new Spinner('Authenticating you, please wait ...');
			pass = arguments['0'].password;
			username = arguments['0'].username;
			status.start(); +'/api/v3/session?login=' + username + '&password=' + pass,
				function (error, response, body) {
					token = JSON.parse(body).private_token;
					if (!token ) {
						console.log('Invalid Username or Password'));
					else {
						prefs.gitlab = {
							name: JSON.parse(body).name.split(' ')[0],
							username: JSON.parse(body).username,
							password: pass,
							token: token,
							time: Math.floor( / 1000)
						console.log('\nSuccessfully authenticated!'));
						if (!('.git' in _.without(fs.readdirSync('.')))) {
						console.log(chalk.white('Hi ' + JSON.parse(body).name.split(' ')[0] + ", proceed to making commits in this repository. See 'autolab help' for help."));
						console.log("Your session will be active for the next two hours. Use 'autolab exit' to exit the session."));